Considered musings and random commentary.
Friday, November 13, 2009
sCHooOLz oUT!!!
The president is leaving on a 9-day trip to Asia (no doubt to treat with the communists, and trade Manahattan for some synthetic diamonds). Well, while he's gone, rejoice. The main motivator of pain will be more impotent than usual -- he'll be GONE for 9 days!

In comparison to the price of all of the abuses that congress has lashed on to our backs, wouldn't it be much cheaper and simpler to just send everyone on a trip for the course of the years? Even if it costs $1,000.000 / year to send a politician on vacation -- for the full year (come back early, and we tar and feather them), thats MUCH cheaper than any SINGLE abomination that they passed against our will... Tarp, bailouts, buying industries, cash for crappy cars, health care, singing lessons for pigs, etc.

If we can just keep them busy enough having fun that they will forget about those silly anti-American votes, we might just survive! My best guess? Hookers in Disney World costumes... I wonder if it's too late to resurrect Walt? I know he'd want in on it.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Government NOT by, of, or for the people?
The bankrupt-America health bull passed the House tonight, by 3 votes. The Democrates in the house decided to pass the divisive bill.

The bill still has to pass the Senate, and people will be hammering at their Senators to try to get them to vote Nay -- if they can get in touch with them. I tried Senator Webb's contact off of the Senate.Gov web page :

and the web server returns

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If this problem persists, please contact the Office of the Secretary Webmaster at

Who says that our representatives are not listening? Maybe they just CAN'T HEAR US! It's time to talk louder, get closer, speak directly into their ears in loud, forceful voices if necessary. If they cannot hear us even then, they should be retired, as they are unable to complete the requirements of their jobs.

Thursday, November 05, 2009
The President (as Commander in Chief) is an ASS
We have just had a horrendous shooting incident at Ft Hood. The President came in to a PRESS CONFERENCE to brief the NATION on the tragedy. HE SPENT FIVE MINUTES doing "shout-outs" and "we're passing policy" before he mentioned the shooting at Ft Hood. He then spend maybe TWO minutes addressing the tragedy. So what is the president's priority? Shout-outs, indeed.

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